Medical & Wellness Therapist FA SRK
Medical & Wellness Therapist FA SRK

Welcome to my website! 

Great that you are dropping in ... my practice is open. I hope you understand, regarding to the Covid- hygiene standards to wear a face mask FFP2 and 2G-Rule 'vaccinated, recovered' (2G-Regel 'Geimpft, Genesen') and using hand disinfectant. Thank you.

Stay healthy, S. ZANDI 

+41 (0)76 3320665


Treatment of the month:


The Light Alternative with Old Healing Knowledge

This method has a stronger effect in reducing pain, and was probably known as early as 5300 years ago in Mesopotamia. Spheric glasses are set upon the skin, and through underpressure, the skin is sucked up, which stimulates blood circulation. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and alternative medicine both offer this cupping technique. After treatment, there will be circular effusions remaining, and experts advise not showering within the first four hours. A particularly efficient technique is the cupping massage with oil.


Die leichte Alternative mit altem Heilwissen

Diese Methode hat eine stärkere Wirkung Schmerzen zu lindern und war vermutlich bereits vor 5300 Jahren in Mesopotamien bekannt. Die kugelförmigen Gläser werden auf die Haut aufgesetzt. Durch Unterdruck wird die Haut angesogen, die Durchblutung wird somit angeregt. Die Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin TCM und die Alternativ-Medizin bieten diese Schröpftechnik an. Es bleiben kreisrunde Blutergüsse zurück und Experten raten innerhalb der ersten 4 Stunden nicht zu duschen. Eine besondere effiziente Technik ist die Schröpfmassage mit Öl.

P h i l o s o p h y

'Panta rei - everthing is in flux'

Take this as a chance and regcognize the positive aspects of it. The professional massage helps the body relax, take a break, regenerate, reduce stress - or simply feel good ...

T r e a t m e n t s

Sustainable and holistic

I balance my sustainable and holistic therapeutic approach with your individual needs. The professional massage helps:

  • the body relax
  • regenerate
  • reduce stress
  • take a break
  • or simply feel good

Here you will find an overview about my approvals of Swiss Health Insurances and my registration as a  'Medical Massage Therapist FA SRK' with Swiss federal certificate of proficiency.

Please contact your Health insurance beforehand which services can be reclaimed. Have a look at your supplementary insurance, often they will assume the costs up to 70-90%.

S h o p

Exclusive products

My shop will have exclusive products. There you will find whatever your heart and your health desires. Bits & Pieces.




'HOCHLÆNDER - Melting Glaciers'

© Angela Bergling

13 Sep 20  -  Oct 20

Date by agreement 




Size S, available on site at Praxis ZANDI. All others Editions on demand. Delivery period 4-6 weeks.  

Now exclusive for you in  3 different sizes with artistic Art Print from Artist  © AALVAR  Sports- Yoga- Sauna or Travel Bag. Click the BAG for more details


Fanny Packs with artistic Print byArtist  © AALVARClick the FANNY PACK for more details


Praxis  Z A N D I

Medizinischer Masseur FA SRK

Asylstrasse 108,  8032 Zürich


TEL  +41 (0)76 3320665

 like me @  LinkedIn Facebook Instagram