H E A L T H   I N S U R A N C E

Here you see the Health Insurances where I am registered  as a 'Medical Massage Therapist'.

The EMindex is an internet directory of well qualified therapeutic practitioners who work in experience-based medicine in Switzerland and possess the EMR quality label of the EMR Erfahrungs Medizinischen Register.

There are various quality criteria that have to be fullfilled for this, for instance education, practical experience, and continuing further education. Among other things, EGK and SNE work together with the EMR register. 

I am a therapeutic practitioner with the EMR Quality Label as a medicinal massage therapist, FA SRK with a Swiss federal certificate of proficiency.



Please contact me at least 24 hours before, if you have to cancel an appointment. Appointments that have not been cancelled in time, will have to be charged.


Why be punctual?

In order to avoid waiting times, booked treatments are fixed appointments that are exclusively reserved for you. If you show up late, the treatment time cannot be extended.


Praxis  Z A N D I

Medizinischer Masseur FA SRK

NEW LOCATION: Dufourstrasse 77, 8008 Zürich Seefeld


TEL  +41 (0)76 3320665

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